Saturday, December 6, 2014

Shakespeare Epistle Dedicatorie Baconian Cipher Turing

57)  Epistle Dedicatorie Baconian Cipher

A recently published Baconian Cipher candidate seems to also be one of the best so far. It is one of those that, in itself, nearly proves Bacon's Authorship of the Shakespeare works. It was found in the second page of The Epistle Dedicatorie in the First Folio, published in 1623. We know that whoever the author or authors were of this Epistle that he/they drew upon the ancient Roman historian Pliny. Near the end of it the researcher realized that the wording was not only suggestive of a possible hidden allusion or cipher but also it didn't really make sense the way it phrased. Here are two of the key sentences:

"And the most, though meanest, of things are made more precious, when they are dedicated in Temples. In that name therefore, we most humbly consecrate to your H.H. these remaines of your servant Shakespeare."

The peculiarity is the use of the word 'name' when the sentence is referring to the word 'Temples'. It would make much more sense if the second sentence began "In that word ..." since 'Temples' isn't a name. It seems that the word 'name' is used to attract attention and invite further scrutiny. So the researcher, being familiar with Baconian and Elizabethan cipher systems, found the following curious anagrams in a perfect symmetrical crossword-like cipher.

First, here's an image of the relevant text:

And now here are the relevant lines of the text in a grid in which each line begins a new row in the grid. So that the words or word parts of : 'Nations', 'ned', 'meanest', 'to', 'your' all begin new rows. The resulting rearrangement of the letters (including the '&’) reveal this pyramid-like and even ‘Temple’-like structure associating the name 'Shakespeare'  along with anagrams of 'Temples' and 'Bacon' in a way that reflects the passage itself. The anagram name of 'Bacon' can be the 'remaines' that have been 'dedicated' into the anagrammed word of 'Temples'.

Now, even more interesting is how Bacon, in his Novum Organum, also referred to Pliny and wrote in his 120th  aphorism:
And for things that are mean or even filthy,—things which (as Pliny says) must be introduced with an apology,—such things, no less than the most splendid and costly, must be admitted into natural history. Nor is natural history polluted thereby; for the sun enters the sewer no less than the palace, yet takes no pollution. And for myself, I am not raising a capitol or pyramid to the pride of man, but laying a foundation in the human understanding for a holy temple after the model of the world. That model therefore I follow. For whatever deserves to exist deserves also to be known, for knowledge is the image of existence; and things mean and splendid exist alike. Moreover as from certain putrid substances—musk, for instance, and civet—the sweetest odours are sometimes generated, so too from mean and sordid instances there sometimes emanates excellent light and information.

I wonder if Alan Turing could have discovered it. It may not have suited his number crunching approach. On the other hand he liked crossword puzzles and this is a little more like that.
This work is presented in the new book The Queen's Cipher, by David Taylor available as an ebook on Amazon.