This day being the anniversary of Francis Bacon’s
birth, I thought it would be a good occasion to try and show how much he has
been misrepresented by those who should know better. You need to know that from
his early years he excelled as a poet, and that, as he said, his natural gift
was in literature, not in politics or law, and that his genius was not only phenomenal
but well recognized. And that his own interests and mentality have often been
seen as in complete harmony with the author Shakespeare.
Here is a quote from the poet and politician Edmund Waller (1606-1687):
“Not but that I may defend the attempt I have made
upon Poetry, by the examples (not to trouble you with history) of many wise and
worthy persons of our own times; as Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Francis Bacon,
Cardinal Perron (the ablest of his countrymen) and the former Pope; who they
say, instead of the Triple-Crown, wore sometimes the Poet’s ivy, as an
ornament, perhaps, of less weight and trouble. But, Madam, these
nightingales sung only in the spring; it was the diversion of their youth;”
published around 1645.
We may assume ‘his youth’ as referring to an age not
beyond 25 and maybe much earlier, so by 1586 at the latest he was already
considered one of England’s skilled poets. This early reputation suggests that Waller
was referencing a common understanding of Bacon’s poetic skills that was still
extant long after he stopped circulating his poems under his own name, and that
was never published, but passed around some of his friends in manuscript.
Then we also have Edmund Howes (continuing the work of
John Stow’s Annales, or General Chronicle of England, 1615):
“Our modern, and present excellent Poets which
worthily florith in their owne works, and all of them in my owne knowledge
lived togeather in this Queenes raigne, according to their priorities as neere
as I could, I have orderly set downe (viz) George Gascoigne Esquire, Thomas
Churchyard Esquire, Sir Edward Dyer Knight, Edmond Spencer Esquire, Sir Philip
Sidney Knight, Sir John Harrington Knight, & Sir Thomas Challoner Knight, Sir
Frauncis Bacon Knight, & Sir John Davie Knight, Master John Lillie
gentleman, M. Willi. Shakespeare gentleman, Samuell Daniell Esquire, Michaell
Draiton Esquire, of the bath, M. Christopher Marlo gen., M. Benjamine Johnson
gentleman, John Marston Esquier, etc."
Again, though this was published in 1614-1615, Bacon’s
reputation as one of the country’s ‘excellent poets’ was likely based on works
in manuscript and not published for the general public and likely even from
many years prior to Shake-speare’s first published poetry in 1593. This is
because if Bacon had been circulating his poetry since his youth or even in the
early 1580s, then at least some of it would have found its way into print by
someone by the 1590s. But it seems to have been either all retracted at some
point or else it was not under his own name. The interesting thing is how this
reputation of Bacon’s lasted so long after he seemed to have stopped writing
poetry since again the reference is only to a time of Queen Elizabeth’s reign.
Now, besides some modern Shakespeare scholars trying
to deny Bacon as ever having a reputation of a skilled poet, they also want to
portray him as a somewhat average educated person for his milieu, which was
above average in education. And that he had average and limited intellectual
and literature skills, though fond of writing a lot of prose, saying merely
that he was “an industrious statesman and lawyer with a vast output in both
Latin and English, all of which display an analytical mentality completely
different from that which produced the works of Shakespeare.”
And many repeat this without question. But from an
earlier, and probably better read scholar we have this:
George L. Craik, LL.D., Professor and Chair of
History and of English Literature in Queen’s College, Belfast, in his
thorough review of all of English Literature, and who made a special
study of Bacon’s works, even writing a book on him, wrote in his English Literature, and of the History of
The English Language, from The Norman Conquest, 1874, his expert scholarly
judgment of Bacon’s uncommon genius and the temperament of his writing:
“…the acknowledgement that he was intellectually one
of the most colossal of the sons of men has been nearly unanimous. They who
have not seen his greatness under one form have discovered it in another; there
is a discordance among men’s ways of looking at him, or their theories
respecting him; but the mighty shadow which he projects athwart the two bygone
centuries lies there immovable, and still extending as time extends, . . . .He
belongs not to mathematical or natural science, but to literature and to moral
science in its most extensive acceptation,--to the realm of imagination,
of wit, of eloquence, of aesthetics, of history, of jurisprudence, of political
philosophy, of logic, of metaphysics and the investigation of the powers and
operations of the human mind. . . . All his works, his essays, his
philosophical writings, commonly so called, and what he has done in
history, are of one and the same character; reflective and, so to
speak, poetical, not simply demonstrative, or elucidatory of mere
matters of fact. What, then, is his
glory?—in what did his greatness consist? In this, we should say;--that an
intellect at once one of the most capacious and one of the most profound ever
granted to a mortal—in its powers of vision at the same time one of the most
penetrating and one of the most far-reaching—was in him united and
reconciled with an almost equal endowment of the imaginative faculty; and
that he is, therefore, of all philosophical writers, the one in whom are found
together, in the largest proportions, depth of thought and splendor of
eloquence. His intellectual ambition,
also,--a quality of the imagination,--was of the most towering character; . . .
. His Advancement of Learning and his
Novum Organum have more in them of the spirit of poetry than of science;
and we should almost as soon think of fathering modern physical science upon Paradise Lost as upon them.”
This goes quite a bit beyond the average well-educated
And many have likened Bacon’s mentality to that of
Shakespeare’s, such as:
“In Bacon’s works we find a multitude of moral sayings and maxims of experience from which the most striking mottoes might be drawn for every play of Shakespeare,--aye, for every one of his principal characters . . . testifying to a remarkable harmony in their mutual comprehension of human nature.” Georg Gottfried Gervinus, Eminent German political historian and literary critic, Professor at the universities of Gottingen and Heidelberg, 1835-1853 (not continuously). Many others, like Gervinus, see that much of Bacon’s mentality was hardly any different from Shake-speare’s, despite the contrast in content and in prose as opposed to verse.
Here is another scholarly opinion on Bacon’s natural gifts and exceptional genius:
“To call Bacon the founder of scientific
method is to mistake the character of his mind, and to do him an injustice
by resting his fame upon a false foundation. Unwearied activity,
inexhaustible constructiveness—that, and not scientific patience or
accuracy, was his characteristic. …and we underestimate him upon another
side when we speak as if the Inductive Philosophy had been the only outcome
of his ever-active brain. His project of reform in Law was almost as
vast as his projects of reform in Philosophy. . . .And he was often
employed by the Queen and Lord Burleigh to write papers of State. All this
was done in addition to his practical work as a lawyer. And yet his
multiplex labours do not seem to have used up his mental vigour; his
schemes always outran human powers of performance. His ambition was not to make
one great finished effort and then rest; his intellectual appetite seemed
almost insatiable.”
William Minto, Professor of Logic and English at
Aberdeen, author of a Manual of English
Prose Literature, 1874.
And keep in mind that most of this that Professor
Minto cites was accomplished in the last half of Bacon’s adult life. So what
did he focus most of his genius and youthful vigor on in the first half of his
adult life? Unfortunately, it seem that for many scholars and students of
literature today who should admire what kind of man he was and what he has
accomplished, that instead what could be said of them is that “Who deserves
greatness deserves your scorn”.
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