Saturday, December 12, 2015

Henry VIII – the case for Francis Bacon - 9 - Rank Weed Contagious Infection

Act 4. Sc 2. 37
“. . . He [Wolsey] was a man
of an unbounded stomach …
. . .
his own opinion was his law.”

Act 5, Sc.1. 52
“….   He’s a rank weed, Sir Thomas,
And we must root him out.”

Act 5, Sc. 2, 58     [Also in Coriolanus 3, 1, ~295]
“If we suffer,
Out of our easiness and childish pity
To one man’s honour, this contagious sickness,
Farewell, all physic. And what follows then?
Commotions, uproars, with a general taint
Of the whole state, … “

Act 5. Sc 2.138.
“ . . . I told ye all
When we first put this dangerous stone a-rolling
‘Twould fall upon ourselves.”

As mentioned before: “To leave the letter of the law makes the judge a legislator.” (Exempla Antithetorum.) p 75
“ . . . no court of equity should have the right to decree contrary to a statute under any pretext of equity whatever, otherwise the judge would become a legislator, and have all things dependent upon his will.” (De Aug., viii. iii. 44)

Bacon, in the Star Chamber, addressing Judges:
“…. They are like the roots of nettles, which themselves sting not, but yet they bear all the stinging leaves. Let me know of such roots and I will root them out of the country”.
(Life, VI, p. 213)

Infection spreadeth upon that which is sound and tainteth it.
  (Essay 9 Of Envy, 1625)

“The more laws we make the more snares we lay to entrap ourselves.” (Life, iii. P. 19.)

End of Melsome’s parallels. Melsome shows that the themes expressed in many of these parallel passages are often found throughout both Shakespeare works and Bacon’s writings.

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