Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bacon's Signature Ciphers in Shakespeare -24- Sonnet 154


The first thing we want to establish is that the word, for whatever reason, had some fascination to Bacon, who seems to have played with it to see if it could show an abbreviated anagram form of his name. This can be seen here though it’s not really what should interest us

So the long word is well connected to both Bacon and Shakespeare and in Shakespeare’s play it has a simple count of 287. The word in its previous forms did not have the same spelling so possibly it was modified for the play so that its numerical count would equal 287. This suspicion only takes on some meaning if the 287 count does appear to be significant to both Bacon and Shakespeare.

2)  The Secret Shakspearean Seals authors found this number in a few interesting ways in SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS of 1609. On the page of the last Sonnet (#154) we have at the top of the page the word “SONNETS” which has a Kay alphabet value of 126, which together with the sonnet # of 154 and the seven large letters below the sonnet adds to 287. But maybe that seems like playing around with the possibilities too much. So in addition, the Kay value of the word “Finis” is equal to 133, which together with the Sonnet # 154 = 287. But why use the Kay alphabet? Perhaps this is hinted at with the two large letters beneath all else which are the letters ‘K’ and, separated from this, the letter ‘A’, possibly to suggest that K is in the place of A for this code. Letters are often used at the bottom of pages but these are extra large. This could, of course, just be all a coincidence, but it has the appearance of intention. Here is the page with the last sonnet:


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