Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bacon's Signature Ciphers in Shakespeare -34- Comedie of Errors


 The connection between letters and numbers was such that Bacon likely saw in his mind numbers when he saw letters and vice versa. We also can accept the lengths Bacon would go to in arranging even a whole page of text to allude to his authorship, if he wanted to do so. Such elaborate planning can be seen in what are believed to be his contributions to the Rainbow portrait of Queen Elizabeth:

4) The first instance we note is one that occurs in the play The Comedie of Errors. It is mentioned in the Secret Shakespearean Seals book. Here we find the number 33 written out as “Thirtie three years”. What it has going for it as a possible hint of authorship is its proximity to the number “100” which is the page number above it. Again, the number 100 is the numerical equivalent in the Simple Alphabet of “Francis Bacon”.

By itself, this isn’t much and could be a coincidence. But it adds weight to the evidence when taken with other similar examples. Other Baconians, such as N.B. Cockburn in his The Bacon Shakespeare Question, and Barry Clarke in his The Bacon Shakespeare Puzzle have both provided extensive evidence and arguments, not involving ciphers, that Bacon wrote this play. As an aside, in the passage from first to last in column one, there would be 67 [the count for Francis] words in Roman font, but only if we took the libertie of counting "Thirtie three" as one word, which I don't know can be justified.

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