Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bacon's Signature Ciphers in Shakespeare -38- Count Rossillion


 7)  The next example comes from the play All’s Well That Ends Well.  This play’s name was found in Bacon’s Promus notebook.

It’s a scene where one character is asking the name of another. Of course this is common. The name of S. Francis (congruent with Sir Francis [Bacon]) is used 13 lines prior to the dialogue of interest. The name of Francis is used in four of the plays, and variations are also found, so it’s not really unusual that it’s used here. This is on page 243 of the Comedies in the first column. Here is the passage:

  Wid. Heere you shall see a Countriman of yours
That has done worthy service.
   Hel. His name I pray you?
   Dia.  The Count Rossillion : know you such a one?        
   Hel. But by the eare that heares most nobly of him :
His face I know not.

The early Baconian cipher researchers would sometimes point to such instances of the word ‘name’ or of the word ‘Count’ as times they should pay particular attention to the possibility of a hidden signature count or some other authorship clue. Usually the dialogue suggests an allusion beyond the play’s plot to someone clued in to ‘hear’ it.  In this case the line with “Count Rossillion” in it has a dialogue count of exactly 33 letters. Then “Count Rossillion” in the Kay alphabet equals 281, and would become 282 “Francis Bacon” in Kay, if the word “one” at the end of the line was meant to be included. The casual use of named numbers in a text is a common way to provide a clue or to contribute to one. The line isn’t the only one in the column with 33 letters so what makes it significant is it being associated with a question of identity and the word ‘count’. Still, by itself, it’s not very much evidence but it turns out that there are a number of similar examples of asking for a name or some revelation of identity which are found to be connected to one of our significant authorship numbers. Several of these instances have the name Francis, or a version of the name, close by in the text, possibly to prime the reader’s mind.


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