Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bacon's Signature Ciphers in Shakespeare -87- Speare Shakers 2


51)  Signature moment 2, Part 2

Prof. Cheney in his Shakespeare's Literary Authorship included a similar reference again involving Achilles. On page 48 he provides this quote from Homer, Book 22:  Achilleus was shaking / in his right hand’ the pointed spear .. “

And we know that the name of Shakespeare itself means “a spearman.”

So we can see the mispage 993 signaling an authorial sign-off by an allusion to a battle of spearmen who brandish and hurl their spears. It may even represent a kind of motto for Bacon’s hidden literary efforts. Except that poets and playwrights who battle with their writings and wits reminds us that we need to think in terms of pens as Ben Jonson did, saying of Shakespeare:

“In his well turned, and true filed lines;
In each of which, he seems to Shake a Lance,
As brandish’t at the eyes of ignorance.”

And Shakespeare, too, identified pens with lances or speares:

Turning your books to graves, your ink to blood, 
Your pens to lances, and your tongue divine 
To a loud trumpet and a point of war?
Henry IV Part II, 4.1

Bacon certainly knew these concepts and metaphors, but he and his close friends would only allude to them in Latin. Here are a couple examples. The first is from Bacon’s Latin essay “De Vindicta (Of Revenge)”.

And the following is from his Latin essay “De Astutia” (Of Cunning)”:

Both of the above are from Francis Bacon's Cryptic Rhymes and the Truth They Reveal, By Edwin Bormann, 1906. Other translations than his are possible but the argument is that Bacon’s close literary friends would know which wording was intended.

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