Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Tempest authorship -part 15

The Tempest,  (15)

3.5 Dating The True Declaration (TD) cont.

We can also present several metaphorical parallels between Bacon's work and The Tempest. So now we have: (2) Bacon's work and  (3) the Shake-speare work. (These have been posted here elsewhere some time ago but they need to be included here too so as to round out the evidence in this topic.)

Print of goodness
(2) living or dying, the print of the goodness of King James may be in my heart (1624 Letter to King James)
(3) Miranda:   Abhorred Slave
Which any print of goodnesse wilt not take,
Being capable of all ill: …
(1610-11 The Tempest, 1.2.351-3)

— Throat-bags from drinking —
(2) Snow water is held unwholesome; inasmuch as the people that dwell at the foot of the snow mountains, or otherwise upon ascent (especially the women) by drinking snow water have great bags under their throat. Natural History
(3) Gonzalo: ... When we were boys,
Who would believe that there were mountaineers,
Dewlapp'd(a) like bulls, whose throats had hanging at 'em,
Wallets of flesh?
(1610-11 The Tempest, 3.3.43-6)
Key: (a) folds of skin

— Suits and overtopping —
(2a) To grant all suits were to undo yourself or your people; to deny all suits were to see never a contented face; as your Majesty hath of late won hearts by depressing, you should in this lose no hearts by advancing. (1620 Letter from Bacon to King)
(2b) There is use also of ambitious men, in pulling down the greatness of any subject that overtops; (Essay of Ambition, p.415)
(3) Prospero. Being once perfected how to grant suits,
How to deny them, who t'advance, and who
To trash for overtopping
(1610-11 The Tempest, 1.2.79-81)

— Winding ivy —
(2) It was ordained that this winding ivy of a Plantagenet should kill the tree itself. (History of Henry VII)
(3) Prospero. ... that now he was
The ivy which had hid my princely trunk,
And suck'd all verdure out on't.
(1610-11 The Tempest, 1.2.85-7)

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